Monday, September 19, 2011

Andy Warhol

Andy was a famous artist, that was known for his famous hair, but there's a lot more to him than campbell soup and celebrities. He was born in the Ghetto part of Pittsburgh, the time of The Great Depression. Who would have thought a small boy, eating Campbell soup and drinking Cola, would become a famous artist, looked up to by Soup and Soda labels around the world?

It's known that most artists are crazy, and that might or might not be true. Andy might be considered crazy in some people's eyes, because of his outstretched fashion flops, including the crazy wigs, and bright colors, but Andy had a terminal disease, called Chorea which caused him to stay in bed a lot, getting his inspiration from magazines and making collages for his mom, and giving a reason to his out there wardrobe.

By the time Andy was 21, he had a dream. He wanted to be a famous artist, and he moved to New York with only $200 in his pocket. In the modern day, $200 dollars might last you a week or two, but Andy needed it to last him his entire life!
That is, until he started making money of his own.
It started with selling his art pieces for $12.50 at cafes, but gradually became more famous, as time went on, and are now worth thousands more.

One important factor in Andy's life had to have been 'The Factory.' The Factory was a small workplace or art studio where Andy used to paint and do his work, but it became one of the hottest places to be seen. If anyone was anyone, they'd want to be seen with Warhol. Stars such as Marilyn Monroe became one of Andy's closest friends, and would hang out other celebrities at The Factory, while Andy watched.

Andy is now one of the most respected artists in the world, owning museums and bridges around the world. His face is on T-shirts, and cups, and mugs, and is known by mostly anyone.

Andy is an amazing artist, whose work will continue to change the lives of many others. :)

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